We would like to give Special Thanks and Recognition to the following Siena College Faculty:
Dr. Michele W. McColgan
For helping us with EVERYTHING regarding our Summer Research! Thank you for accepting our research applications, guiding us, supporting us, and educating us. We are forever grateful. Thank you.
Dr. Daniel F. Moriarty
For his help with our AFM Research. Thank you.
Dr. Kristopher J. Kolonko
For helping us conduct our research in the SAInT Center. Specifically with training, educating, and supervising us on the SEM, XRF, TGA, and DSC. Thank you.
Dr. George Hassel
For helping us when needed, and supplying us with the Graphite for our Graphene experiments. Thank you.
Hilary A. Hofstein
For providing us with Radiation Training. Thank you.
Ann M. Klotz
For providing us with Safety Training. Thank you.
The Friars of Siena College
For funding all of the Summer Research being offered to the Summar Scholars. Thank you.
Dr. Rajj Devasagayam
For accepting our research proposals, and guiding our research experiences. We are so grateful to have CURCA at Siena College. Thank you.